Dr. Elizabeth Newnham is a midwife, researcher and teacher at Griffith University, Australia. She studies the way in which power and knowledge function in obstetrics within a Foucauldian framework. She is the author of the book Towards the Huminisation of Birth: a Study of Epidural Analgesia and Hospital Birth Culture.

Dr. Elizabeth Newnham is a midwife, researcher and teacher at Griffith University, Australia. She studies the way in which power and knowledge function in obstetrics within a Foucauldian framework. She is the author of the book Towards the Huminisation of Birth: a Study of Epidural Analgesia and Hospital Birth Culture.


Further reading: 

  • Newnham (2015) Birth control: Power/knowledge in the politics of birth.
  • Newnham (2017) Paradox of the institution: findings from a hospital labour ward ethnography. 
  • Newnham (2017) ‘It’s your body, but…’ Mixed messages in childbirth education: Findings from a hospital ethnography. 

EDIT: In the episode we’ve stated incorrectly that dr. Newnham works at Queensland University. This is not the case. She works at Griffith University, which is in Queensland, Australia.

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